A response to Multicultural Origins of Civilization. These messages were posted on Craigslist in this order. "RicoP" started the debate and responded to other posters. I responded to him.
Proof Western Civ is the best of all time? < RicoP > 12/15 11:58:28
Through all our dark ages, Roman brutality, religious wars, crusades, inquisitions, towers of London, Nazi genocide, aborigine slaughters, drug infested sex crazed cultures, it IS "Western Civilization" that produced a team of 30 plus doctors who transformed a very, very unfortunate 8 armed human being monstrosity into a smiling little girl who will walk, and play due to magnificent surgical techniques and medical acumen acquired and developed by Western Civilization!. The evidence is in my distant friends, WEST CIV. ROCKS!
Right evidence, wrong conclusion < robschmidt > 12/16/07 14:49
I think you've summarized Western civilization accurately.
The bad: "Our dark ages, Roman brutality, religious wars, crusades, inquisitions, towers of London, Nazi genocide, aborigine slaughters, drug infested sex crazed cultures," etc.
The good: "A team of 30 plus doctors who transformed a very, very unfortunate 8 armed human being monstrosity into a smiling little girl who will walk, and play due to magnificent surgical techniques and medical acumen."
Most people would say the millions of people Western civilization has killed outweigh the one person it has saved. But if you think the life of one person outweighs the lives of millions, that's your prerogative—no matter how irrational and immoral it seems.
No you are not neutral, your posts betray you. < RicoP > 12/16 06:37:55
In "the factual world" you say I am distant from, it's Muslims who are murdering kids, women and old men, while the West masters surgical techniques, provides trials by jury of peers and investigates the solar system and celebrates passion in sports games. What Muslims might need is a Nascar equivalent in the mid-east, something to do besides memorize all those lies by Muhammed and be macho about their religion.
Get your facts straight < robschmidt > 12/16/07 14:52
It's a fact that the US war on Iraq has killed tens of thousands of people who would be alive otherwise. No Muslim, terrorist or otherwise, has killed that many people.
And your logic is what?...(besides bashing me?) < RicoP > 12/16 12:10:05
BTW, I went to a school where logic was a required course, did you? ======= It's almost always the same thing with certain lame brains. They can pop off a bumpersnicker and hit preview when they really want to post! ::::::: Western Civilization has done the best of all, with some problems, but ya ain't gonna see Japan go back to harikari, Germany ain't going nazi, the USA ain't going Muslim...cause we all know a better way.
And your "I am a neutral" logic is...is what?
[This is a new response to Rico's message, not the one I posted at the time.]
"Germany ain't going Nazi"...but it already went Nazi. Nazism was the height of Western civilization. What does that tell you about Western civilization? That it's potentially as bad as any other system?
Just 1 DarkAge in West Civ;millions of surgeries < RicoP > 12/16 06:29:34
You misquote me and you know it, re "Forcing China" etc. You just want to argue to argue. Wasteful to read your twisted posts
Rico's mistake, not Frank's misquote < robschmidt > 12/16/07 15:01
Actually, Frank quoted you accurately. It was your mistake to put up one surgery against thousands of years of murder and brutality. Next time you want to discuss millions of surgeries, I suggest you use the phrase "millions of surgeries." Then you won't look so foolish.
the pioneer investigations were in the West < RicoP > 12/15 20:46:54
You reveal your own Muslim bigotry with your prompt assault. And your oddly stated "Spanish Inq." reveals again...you are unfamiliar with the nuances of the English language, probably born far away.
I suggest you are a Muslim "spy" here. Give it up:
There is but one god, and Muhammed is a liar.
Rico's idea of logic < robschmidt > 12/16/07 15:07
Re "There is but one god, and Muhammed is a liar": Did you learn this in your logic class? Hilarious. I don't think you'd know logic if it bit you on the butt.
Rob (BA in mathematics)
Related links
Greek lies, historic truth
The myth of Western superiority
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