Another Stereotype of the Month entry:
Dr. David Yeagley interviews Ann Coulter.
Here is the Bad Eagle interview with Ann Coulter, second in our series of interviews with notable commentators, on American Indians. I think of Ann as the Great White Woman—not to be confused with the Great White Buffalo Woman, of course. I think Ann represents that fundamental essense of America, and of being American, and I was anxious to obtain her thoughts. is very grateful for Ms.Coulter's willingness to share her views.
Dr. Yeagley: My place in society as an American Indian patriot is regarded as disingenuous by many. It is an impossibly contradictory position. My European Jewish friends have compared it to a Jew honoring the Nazi regime for its strength and greatness. (This analogy breaks down completely, however, once you look at it closely.) How do you see my position? I ask you this, because I trust in your concepts of Americanism.
Ann Coulter: Tell your Jewish friends to grow some balls. No Jewish Republican would say that to you. It is absolutely outrageous. This is your homeland, too. I assume you don't want it attacked anymore than the rest of us do — and Indians are in far better position to do something about it, inasmuch as they do have balls.
Indians are a great warrior people, like Southerners. Their courage is admired by all real Americans. Witness the decision of a lowly Ohio family to name their squalling baby boy after an Indian chief who led his nation against U.S. authorities: William TECUMSEH Sherman.
All Army helicopters are named after Indian tribes — Kiowa, Apache, Cherokee. The Code Talkers were Indians. Their honor is made irrevocably secure by this valorous service.
In the book, U.S. Marine Corps Story, J. Robert Moskin describes the first six men who raised a small American flag at Mt. Suribachi during the Battle of Iwo Jima. One of the six was Private Louis Charlo, Crow Indian. When the flag went up, James V. Forrestal said, "The raising of the flag means a Marine Corps will exist for the next 500 years."
Later, a larger American flag was put up by another group of Marines — the flag in the famous photo. One of those six men was Ira Hayes, Indian.
Two Indians helped raise the flags at Iwo Jima. I think that settles the question of Indians' patriotism.
The record of Medals of Honor won by Indians is astonishing. Their service in the military is well known to every American who is not a half-wit—i.e. everyone but liberals.
Speaking of liberals, the Hollywood movie about the code runners, "Windtalkers" dishonestly suggests that the U.S. Marines would kill the code talkers rather than let them fall into enemy hands — as if the White Man considered Indians expendable. This is an invented racist atrocity. It doesn't even make sense. The code talkers could have chattered away on open phone lines and the Japanese wouldn't have been able to break it. You couldn't break Navajo. Navajo is virtually unlearnable without total immersion. You had to be brought up in it.
Another interesting fact about Indians: As a group, they are generally immune from a fear of heights, which is why iron workers are disproportionately Indians. You'll see them casually eating their lunches on iron beams 40 stories in the sky.
The relationship of the White Man to the Indians is a complicated history. By the standards of the world at that time, it was better than most. African Muslims were still enslaving anyone they could get hands on well into the 19th century
Even so, it depended on where you were. It's not as simple as saying: In every encounter, Whites were scum. Some tribes were dealt with decently, others were treated shamefully, and some Indians were scum themselves.
The Apaches and Iroquois were brutal mothers — not only to the White Man, but to other Indians. In fact, a lot of the initial contacts between European settlers and Indians in the East — we're required not to know this now — consisted of completely unprovoked attacks by the Indians.
It was the Cherokees who really got screwed, which was entirely the doing of racist scumbag Andrew Jackson, Democrat. Jackson broke treaties, evicted the Cherokees and sent them off to Oklahoma. Did I mention that Jackson was a Democrat?
In New England, the settlers were perfectly fair to the Indians — much nicer than the Spanish were. The French were supposedly the most benign, but that's because the French never sent people to America in great numbers (which is a relief, otherwise we'd have even more lefty cowards in the U.S. than we already have). The French just wanted to trade with the Indians, while the English were interested in acquiring land. But the first instinct of the English was to make treaties with the Indians and purchase their land, not to steal it.
The worst thing that happened to the Indians in New England was that they had no immunity from European diseases like smallpox. Despite the claims of semi-retards like fake-Indian Ward Churchill, it is preposterous that this was done intentionally. Louis Pasteur didn't figure out how diseases were transmitted until the late 19th century. Even then, his discovery was met with skepticism. The settlers wouldn't have known enough about transmission of diseases to do it on purpose.
Violating Indian treaties was generally not official government policy — except in the case of President Andrew Jackson (Democrat). The U.S. government usually tried to abide by its treaties with the Indians. The problem was that settlers just kept moving into Indian territories and the government didn't stop them — much like illegal immigration today.
Republicans have a good record on Indians because we admire fighters. From George Washington and the Federalists to Richard Nixon, right-wingers have treated Indians well. Even when Democrats were supposed to be the big multicultural party, the one Indian in the Senate, Ben Nighthorse Campbell, became a Republican. It was Democrats like Andrew Jackson who were vicious racists toward the Indians. All true right-wingers are big Indian fans.
Dr. Yeagley: What is your opinion of the Reservation system in principle? These reservations were won by blood of course. Indians are proud of this. Indians were the first foreign nations the United States ever made treaties with. Having said that, how do you see their function in America? Are they 'nations within a nation,' to create an unwanted balkanization, or are they immutable historical tokens, to the honor of both America and Indians?
Ann Coulter: Yes, the White Man was happy with reservation system when they couldn't imagine why anyone would want to live on them, but as soon as oil was discovered some White Men — we call them "Democrats" — reneged on the deal. Add this to your list of reasons why a Democrat should never sit in the Oval Office.
I like the idea of Indian reservations as tax-free zones and support the preservation of Indian reservations as a salute to a brave culture. But ridiculous court rulings have made reservations havens for gambling, which is a real sickness. I'm against that.
Dr. Yeagley: How do you regard race, in general? Is it something to be honored and preserved, or something to 'overcome,' in the Communist (Leftist) sense of erasing all boundaries and borders of all kinds, psychological, physical, genetic, etc.?
Ann Coulter: Well, clearly not the latter.
Vive la difference. Celebrate and cherish racial differences, but under American law, race should not confer special rights or burdens. I think it should be marketplace, with good racial characteristics being absorbed by the general population and the bad ones discarded. I am sure people can handle these transactions without the assistance of federal judges.
Dr. Yeagley: What do you think of Indian casinos in general, and specifically of the idea of land-to-trust, where a tribe buys up land (often of its choice—unconnected to historical ownership) to build more casinos?
Ann Coulter: I'm against casino gambling, so I'm certainly against spreading it.
Dr. Yeagley: What is your basic concept of a nation? Certainly, America is the exception to many historical precedents. But, if America is a nation, where do Indian nations 'fit in,' and how? Indian nations, such as the Comanche, or the Apache, or the Sioux, have their own language, their own religion, their own culture, and their own general geographic locales. Are they therefore nations?
Ann Coulter: They are a nationality, as distinct a group within America as the Mormons, the Amish, Hassidic Jews, and the Osbourne family. But all are free to run their affairs pretty much as they please within very wide limits. We're a free country.
Dr. Yeagley: How do you view the idea of Indian mascots for sports teams, or Indian names for states, roads, buildings, companies, creeks, rivers, counties, etc? Does America want an entire ethnic cleansing of all things Indian? Like, a visual genocide? What do you think is really behind this trend to remove Indian images from the country?
Ann Coulter: This is a completely synthetic issue ginned up by idiot liberals to create more whining victims, i.e., key Democratic constituents. The idea that Indian mascots are condescending toward Indians is insane. The mascots are a sign of genuine admiration. No one wants his team to be the "Jewish accountants" or the "Stuffed shirt WASPs." No one's ever protested those Army helicopters.
It reminds me of phony Asians complaining about Americans who think Asians are industrious and law abiding — a "model minority." Oh, isn't that a terrible thing to say about people? Try a little harder to find something to be oppressed about.
What's degrading is the idea that Indians need the protection of American liberals. Liberals want to convert the image of the Indian from noble warrior to whining victim in need of liberals' tender mercies. Indians don't ask for pity and they certainly don't need liberal sympathy.
Republicans consider Indians valued and honored members of our community and view them with real veneration — not the sentimental crap you get from liberals. Fenimore Cooper established the Indian as the archetype of American freedom. Note that Cooper was a Federalist.
Oh and by the way, the very same liberals who pretend to worship the primitive aspects of Indian culture and tell us we all have to live in teepees in order to avert "global warming" went ballistic when actual Indians tried to go whaling. The rest of us are supposed to live like the Indians, but Greenpeace sued to prevent the Indians from living like the Indians. Okay, fine, we'll live like the Indians, but start getting used to a fair amount of cruelty to animals.
Rob's reply
See A Lovefest Between Two Deniers of Genocide for an excellent rebuttal. Here are a few additional thoughts:
>> Indians are a great warrior people, like Southerners. <<
Stereotype alert!
>> Witness the decision of a lowly Ohio family to name their squalling baby boy after an Indian chief who led his nation against U.S. authorities: William TECUMSEH Sherman. <<
Tecumseh led a confederation of nations against the US, but he sought peace through strength and unity, not war.
>> Another interesting fact about Indians: As a group, they are generally immune from a fear of heights, which is why iron workers are disproportionately Indians. <<
Stereotype alert!
>> In fact, a lot of the initial contacts between European settlers and Indians in the East — we're required not to know this now — consisted of completely unprovoked attacks by the Indians. <<
Rubbish. There was usually a direct cause for an Indian attack, and there was always an indirect cause. Namely, the Euro-American invasion of Indian lands against Indian wishes.
>> It was the Cherokees who really got screwed <<
Actually, it was the so-called Five Civilized Tribes, including the Cherokee, and several others who got screwed.
>> Jackson broke treaties, evicted the Cherokees and sent them off to Oklahoma. Did I mention that Jackson was a Democrat? <<
Did Coulter mention that Thomas Jefferson was a Democrat also? As well as a slave owner? Did she mention that the Republican party didn't exist then? Duh.
Going by Coulter's "logic," Democrats were responsible for American history through the 1850s, when the the GOP was formed. Therefore, their accomplishments include the Revolutionary War and the establishment of American democracy.
>> But the first instinct of the English was to make treaties with the Indians and purchase their land, not to steal it. << was the greedy Americans who did the most stealing.
>> The settlers wouldn't have known enough about transmission of diseases to do it on purpose. <<
They didn't have to know the exact mechanism to know that contagious people and objects spread diseases. See The Facts About Blankets with Smallpox for more on the subject.
>> Violating Indian treaties was generally not official government policy — except in the case of President Andrew Jackson (Democrat). <<
If it wasn't official policy, it was unofficial policy. See The "Official Website" of George A. Custer for details.
>> The U.S. government usually tried to abide by its treaties with the Indians. The problem was that settlers just kept moving into Indian territories and the government didn't stop them — much like illegal immigration today. <<
These two statements are contradictory. The federal government could've stopped the white settlers if it really wanted to. For instance, it could've gone to war against the settlers instead of the Indians. The federal government sent troops against its own people during the Civil War and the civil rights movement, so why not during the westward expansion?
Hence, it's more correct to say the US government pretended to abide by its treaties while encouraging or allowing white settlers to move into Indian territories. In other words, the US government's unofficial policy was to eradicate Indian nations and cultures. And its official policy was embodied in the Indian Wars, the Dawes Act, and termination legislation.
As Al Carroll pointed out, it was ludicrous of Coulter to compare the westward movement of whites with today's northward movement of Latinos. Right-wingers like her hate this illegal immigration and wrongly think they can stop it.
Would Coulter also have taken that position against the "illegal immigration" of whites into Indian territory? No, because conservatives who oppose illegal immigration are usually hypocrites.
>> Republicans have a good record on Indians because we admire fighters. From George Washington and the Federalists to Richard Nixon, right-wingers have treated Indians well. <<
From George Washington to Richard Nixon with almost nobody in-between, you mean. And Washington's record on Indians was decidedly mixed.
Funny to hear Coulter call Washington a right-winger. By that logic, Jefferson and Madison were left-wingers. And their most famous works, the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution, were the products of liberals.
>> All true right-wingers are big Indian fans. <<
There are a lot of false right-wingers in America today. In other words, most right-wingers are hypocrites. No surprise there.
>> Yes, the White Man was happy with reservation system when they couldn't imagine why anyone would want to live on them, but as soon as oil was discovered some White Men — we call them "Democrats" — reneged on the deal. <<
The US's termination policy reached its peak during the Eisenhower years.
>> I like the idea of Indian reservations as tax-free zones and support the preservation of Indian reservations as a salute to a brave culture. <<
There were thousands of Indian cultures, not just one "brave culture." Clearly, Coulter doesn't have anything except a superficial knowledge of Indian history.
>> But ridiculous court rulings have made reservations havens for gambling, which is a real sickness. I'm against that. <<
Is Coulter against it in the case of Las Vegas, Atlantic City, and other white havens of gambling? Not that I've heard.
>> Vive la difference. Celebrate and cherish racial differences <<
Oops. That puts Coulter squarely at odds with Yeagley, who wants Indians to become white.
>> under American law, race should not confer special rights or burdens. <<
It doesn't. See Indian Rights = Special Rights for details.
>> The mascots are a sign of genuine admiration. <<
'Nuff said.
>> Liberals want to convert the image of the Indian from noble warrior to whining victim in need of liberals' tender mercies. <<
Translation: Liberals want to eliminate the stereotypical notions of the past and treat Indians as they are today.
>> Fenimore Cooper established the Indian as the archetype of American freedom. <<
Not really, although he contributed to it. See Indians Gave Us Enlightenment for details. See also Mark Twain, Indian Hater for a link to Twain's critique of Cooper.
>> Oh and by the way, the very same liberals who pretend to worship the primitive aspects of Indian culture and tell us we all have to live in teepees in order to avert "global warming" went ballistic when actual Indians tried to go whaling. <<
Actually, liberals were split on the Makah whaling issue.
>> The rest of us are supposed to live like the Indians, but Greenpeace sued to prevent the Indians from living like the Indians. <<
Greenpeace doesn't represent all liberals. It's what you might call a far-left organization.
Related links
Yeagley the Indian apple
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