Another Stereotype of the Month entry:
The False Pahana
Firehair, Greetings,
There is a man in Pagosa Springs, Colorado, named Warren Goodman, who claims to be the Pahana of Hopi legend. He has a website in which he claims to have found the stone tablets, but they are petrified wood. Go figure.
He gives a vague recounting of meeting some Hopis and that he was given this message, that he is the Pahana, and the petrified wood is the tablet. He also will sell you a vague blessing/protection, which he calls armageddon insurance.
The donation message:
By sending us your name and the names of your family or loved ones, plus a small donation to the cause, you buy yourself a kind of security that goes beyond this world. Very soon, you may be glad you did. Suggested donations: Self $11, Couple $22, Family $33, Large Organization $777 (per 100 members). Send check or money order along with the names of those you'd like to insure to:
The Hopi Tablets
675 Meadowlark Drive
Pagosa Springs, CO 81147
The man is a total fraud.
I will tell you my interest in this is to give this guy a heads up, quit selling his psudo Hopi blessings and donate any monies he has generated from this to the Hopi school near Winslow, they are badly in need of books, supplies, computers (they only have one recently donated).
Also a letter campaign to his local paper might put some pressure on him. It is
The Pagosa Springs Sun
466 N Pagosa Blvd
Pagosa Springs, CO 81147
Warren Goodman has no connection with any known Hopi Elder/Tribe. There are discrepancies with the site, Goodman has been emailed, he does not answer/explain in any way.
Always an amazing journey,
Rob's comment
Goodman's website titled "When the Blue Star Calls..." is no longer at the URL Bonny gave. Let's hope it's gone for good.
The above picture, taken from the site, gives a hint of what Goodman is or was about. For more on Goodman, see the official Hopi position on Cultural Theft and Misrepresentation.
This entry falls into our New Age Mystics, Healers, and Ceremonies category. It gets a separate entry because Goodman claims not only to be a mystical person, but the mystical person in the Hopi cosmology.
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