A response to Indians Shanghaied by Shanghai Noon:
My favorite line (translated from Sioux): "Oh great, now he's talking slower...like that's going to help...."
That was my favorite line from that scene too. As far as inaccuracies (and there were many...I didn't sweat it too much as the whole thing was kind of like a cartoon in my mind)...why were the Indians in Nevada Sioux? Shouldn't they have been Paiute or some other Nevada tribe? And criminey the same for the "Crows" (who looked a lot more like Pawnee or Sauk) who should have been up in Montana or Wyoming etc.? Anyhow, I thought at least to Jackie's credit he had the "Crows" fight pretty damn good (even though they eventually had to lose to Chan...after all it was HIS movie!) You know, I pretty much have given up on Indians ever being treated accurately in movies. I like some "Indian movies" and I don't like others, and I tend to go with, is it a good story and are the Indian characters treated like real people, with quirks and strengths? Also for criminey's sake I am looking forward to a movie where the poor Pawnee or Crow get to be "the good Injuns" and the Lakota or Cheyenne get a turn at being the bad guys!! HAHAH! LIke THAT'll ever happen!
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