I received the following as a Stereotype of the Month contest entry. Since it referred to an old event, I couldn't include it, but I post it here for the reader's edification. The event took place in Pasco County, Florida, site of the infamous Chasco Parade:
Dear Mr. Schmidt,
In October of '98 my daughter brought home a flyer from school announcing that the local McDonald's was having a 'McIndian' night and the school had passed out coupons for the families for discounts on food for Pasco elementary students. My daughter was disgusted as even at her age she is aware of the environmental destruction wrought by McDonald's corporation on world rainforests. But for them to initiate this sort of corporate infiltration into the school—and using symbolism of indigenous people in the worst way imaginable, the VERY people who they have been harming through their terrible environmental actions, just completely burned my a**.
Unfortunately the 'McIndian' night was happening that evening. I had no chance to 'rally the troops' or by G-d there would have been some marching out front. All I had the opportunity to do was to write blistering letters to the Head of Pasco Schools and to McDonald's.
In the letters I asked both if they would dare to have a 'McJew' night or a 'McBlack' night and what did they think the response of the public would be if that were to occur? I outlined all the reasons I was deeply offended, including some details of the British law suit against McDonald's rainforest destruction and its effect on indigenous peoples worldwide.
Now I am going into the environmental battle, sorry. I ramble. I just can't help but see all of these things being interconnected. It has to do at the very heart having REVERENCE...reverence for life in all its forms. Somehow the greed factor destroys the reverence, thoughtfulness, respect, in myriad ways.
Anyway, I say that in knowing where their heart lies, McDonald's, certain corporations, etc....maybe it would be a good thing for AIM and others to pull their considerable clout in boycotting those who insist on committing such insanity.
If their G-d is money, by golly pull the altar out from under them. It is the only thing they will listen to.
Thank you for letting me vent.
Rob's comment
I don't know what else was involved in "McIndian Night" besides the coupons handed out. The hint of associating Indians with charity, implying they need food donations to survive, seems stereotypical. Would McDonald's have held a McBlack Night with primers to teach blacks to speak proper English, or a McJew Night with piggy banks for Jews to put their money in? Probably not.
More of McDonald's in the Stereotype of the Month contest
McDonald's says Native children don't need scholarships
Pin features Ronald McDonald as a chief in a headdress
Related links
Greedy Indians
Indians as welfare recipients
Ecological Indian talk
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