Another response to Adolf Hitler: A True American:
>> Big difference! Hitler's stated objective was to exterminate all Jews. Jews were effectivly taken as slaves without resistancce. <<
I didn't claim Hitler's views were identical to the Americans'. I claimed American ideas and actions inspired Hitler, or that he learned from them. If Hitler took what he read about to its ultimate expression, that doesn't disprove or deny the source.
>> Although business powers and crooked politicians herded off the Indians during the 1830s, it was not Americas intent to destroy the race. <<
The us government—the politicians, their Indian agents, and the Army—herded the Indians off. President Andrew Jackson was perhaps the leading "herder," but there were others. The people outside the government who "herded" Indians were working in collusion with the government—with its explicit or implicit approval.
Intentionally violating treaties, hunting Indians, relocating them, starving them, stealing their children, sterilizing their women, etc. seem like acts intended to destroy a race to me. Besides, destroying a culture is tantamount to destroying a race. It qualifies as genocide under the UN's definition.
>> America has shelled out billions to provide assistance and relief, but that is often overlooked. <<
What's often overlooked is that those payments are contractual treaty obligations, not "assistance and relief." A mortgage payment isn't "assistance or relief" to a bank and neither is the US obligation to pay.
>> You cannot blame the American people in general for what happened to the indians. <<
Sure I can. I've done it before and I'll be happy to do it again. I blame the Americans along with the English, the Spanish, and anyone else who contributed to the Indians' deaths.
Here's a quote from David Rider posted at Genocide by Any Other Name.... Enjoy:
In the end, the Americans stole or coerced 98 percent of this land from those who occupied it before Columbus. And the Americans invented remarkably creative stories to justify both the past theft of this continent and their present control and continued theft of the remaining two percent of the land over which Indians still exercise sovereign authority.
Apparently, both Rider and I can indeed blame Americans for what happened to the Indians. But to be fair, let's note that many Americans protested the abyssmal treatment of the Native population. Perhaps only half the Americans are responsible for anti-Indian attitudes and behavior, not all of them.
>> They were killing each other off before the Europeans got here. <<
In very small numbers compared to the European-driven genocide. Indians also hit their heads on rocks, drowned in rivers, and got eaten by bears, but those weren't the primary cause of the precipitous decline in population. The European invasion was.
>> It is the most tragic chapter in American history, but the comparison of USA to Hitler is hatefull rhetoric and propaganda which only further fuels the hatred indians feel against non indians. <<
I'm guessing most Indians don't feel "hatred" toward anyone. But if they did, it would be toward those who conceived and propagated the genocide, not those who talk about it. In other words, don't confuse the message with the messenger.
Anyway, if Native people don't like my posting on Hitler, I'm sure they'll tell me. So far, no Indian has complained. And if they do like it, I'd say it's served its purpose.
That purpose is to shake up people like you. People who think a few loose cannons were responsible for the American holocaust, not US leaders from Washington and Jefferson on down. Who think the Indians are getting a free ride with all the "assistance and relief"—not halfhearted compensation for the land stolen in violation of lawful treaties—they get. Well, consider yourself shaken up.
>> Pisses me off as well <<
Tough tootsies. As you'd probably say to the Indians, "Deal with it." Or "get over it."
I'm pretty sure my pique is greater than yours. Visit my 630-page-plus site at and learn how thoroughly I slam Western civilization for its shortcomings. Love it or leave it, because my criticism is here to stay.
Rob Schmidt
P.S. For a response similar to this one, see Adolf Hitler: A True American.
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