Another response to Giving Up PEACE ON EARTH:
>> As a student of psychology, as well as a person who has held the heroic concept (and Superman in particular) in the highest regard, I have never read a more unfounded, loosely built piece of paranoia than I did on this page. <<
"Loosely built" and even "unfounded" aren't serious criticisms of an opinion piece. If I've said something false, cite and quote a source to prove me wrong. That your opinion differs from mine doesn't faze me.
>> It is my sincere hope that you stop poisoning people's minds against the one real hero we have left and rescind this stuff. <<
Did something happen to Batman, Spider-Man, the X-Men, James Bond, Capt. Kirk, Luke Skywalker, et al.?!
>> I suggest you read more of the history of Superman and what he has stood for throughout history -- perhaps then you would be able to put your biases aside on the subject. <<
"Throughout history" mean the last 65 years of history? That's not much history in the grand sweep of things.
In addition to reading comic books for more than 35 years, I've read several books on the history of comics and Superman. I know what he allegedly stands for: truth, justice, and the American way. We're seeing those ideals in action now, as "President" Bush lies about weapons of mass destruction, holds US citizens incommunicado without a trial, and invades a country that posed no imminent threat to us. Which side do you think Superman would be on in the current "war on terrorism": that of George W. Bush or the American people who disagree with Bush?
Read THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS, KINGDOM COME, or PEACE ON EARTH to see how Superman would operate in the real world. In different ways, these series all postulated that Superman would support the status quo and refuse to act for a better world. If you disagree with these series, take it up with their authors. I'm just reflecting what they said.
Rob Schmidt
Related links
Why doesn't Green Lantern eliminate evil?
Bruce Wayne vs. Bill Gates: Who's the hero?
Adolf Hitler: a true American
Why write about superheroes?
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