A friend wrote:
Where is the best site for Native Americans to do genealogical research? A woman I know is trying to find out about her ancestors.
Was her great-grandmother a Cherokee princess? Never mind. <g>
Correspondents reply
Some answers to your question:
There is NO "best site"...one has to [build] one's genealogy brick by brick, person by person—with attention to migration, associations, surname patterns—cousinship marriages—(a biggie)—original records, history books, standard research methods....
Tracking the family members is as important—some family members could pass, others couldn't—makes for a real mess.
60% of this country's Indians never saw a roll or a rez...
and, east of the Mississippi, there have been no full bloods since the 1850s.
Racial cross over, accultruation, assimilation, took care of that.
ad infinitum,
I have seen several recommend hiring a professional archivist because it is so difficult.
[Jason Spaulding]
It depends on their tribe. Different tribes had different roll records they keep on tribal members. After a certain period after contact, the normal census, birth and death records also include Indian individuals.
As a general Native American information site (genealogy, etc.), try Cyndi's List. This is one site you can explore for months and still find new information. Here is the one on Native Americans.
Hope this helps.
A couple of other things that occurred to me after sending the Cyndi's List.
This site has a Native American section with some practical search ideas.
I'd send her to Cyndi's list or the LDS church's web page.
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