The latest postings
Indigenous themes in Avatar
Communication Breakdown in CSI: NY
National Treasure: Book of Secrets
TV shows featuring Indians [update]
Defining who's an Indian
Bruce Wayne vs. Bill Gates: Who's the hero? (9/24/02)
Religion in superhero comics (8/24/02)
The seminal moment in GREEN LANTERN #76 (6/14/02)
The truth about Spider-Man...revealed! (4/19/02)
Why write about superheroes? (8/23/01)
Giving up PEACE ON EARTH (8/21/01)
The future of comics (7/26/01)
Comic books influence culture (7/10/01)
Some thoughts on minority comics (6/7/01)
Multiculturalism in the X-Men (5/26/01)
PUNISHER #3's moral dilemma—reversed (4/21/01)
X-MEN marks the spot (3/27/01)
Comic books featuring Indians (11/21/00)
Why Spawn isn't black (10/12/00)
Whither comics after the X-Movie? (8/29/00)
Steve Gerber and Joe Casey on the future of comics (7/31/00)
Thoughts on the San Diego Comic-Con 2000+ (7/26/00)
Do superheroes reflect society? (6/9/00)
More thoughts on Internet comics (6/1/00)
Rob reviews THE PUNISHER #1—look out! (3/13/00)
Are comics dead? (2/14/00)
Don McGregor on marketing indepedent comics (2/13/00)
Marketing a small-press comic book (12/20/99)
Boomers, television, and comics (12/9/99)
Native comic strips vs. comic books (11/12/99)
Do covers and titles matter in self-publishing? (10/12/99)
Why doesn't Green Lantern eliminate evil? (2/6/94)
Native American stereotypes
NEW! Indigenous themes in Avatar (9/5/11)
Communication Breakdown in CSI: NY (4/3/09)
National Treasure: Book of Secrets (2/26/09)
"Half-breeds" in The Tin Star (2/9/09)
Indians in Northwest Passage (2/9/09)
Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman (11/4/08)
Indians in Red River (8/26/08)
Apaches in Hondo (8/14/08)
The Song of Hiawatha (7/31/08)
Quileute werewolves in Twilight (7/31/08)
Little House on the Prairie (7/31/08)
Indians in Family Guy (6/24/08)
Indiana Jones and the stereotypes of doom (5/29/08)
Indians in The Simpsons (5/3/08)
Loose ends in Loose End (4/3/08)
Indians in The Time Tunnel (3/17/08)
Rio Grande isn't grand (2/29/08)
Comanche Moon: rangers, tramps, and thieves (1/14/08)
Review of She Wore a Yellow Ribbon (1/9/08)
Fighting the Fighting Sioux (11/1/07)
Educating about Little Tree (9/29/07)
A brief history of Native stereotyping (7/31/07)
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee: the movie (5/25/07)
Pathfinder loses its way (5/1/07)
Don Imus, "nappy-headed hos," and Indians (5/1/07)
SCALPED: Another comic book gets Indians wrong (1/14/07)
Dartmouth's conservatives (try to) demonize Indians (11/28/06)
Tricking or treating Indians (11/21/06)
Black Condor takes off (11/21/06)
Super-Chief lives (11/21/06)
Rainmaker returns (11/21/06)
Apocalypto now (10/3/06)
Sham of a SHAMAN (9/24/06)
Cranky about Kronk (9/21/06)
Eagle Free in PREZ (8/24/06)
Rush Limbaugh is a big fat racist (8/24/06)
Indigenous Atlantis (8/13/06)
They lied in They Died (8/2/06)
Zagar the horrible (7/31/06)
Western legends feature Indians (7/28/06)
Displaced paranormals vs. dead people (7/28/06)
My take on Black Cloud (7/20/06)
Cannibals of the Caribbean (7/8/06)
First of the Tonto tales (6/30/06)
Ranting about Manitou Raven (6/30/06)
The Loan Arranger and Pronto (6/9/06)
The Superman Indian cartoon (4/21/06)
New World, old myth (3/28/06)
The political uses of stereotyping (3/27/06)
California imaging: framing the Indian (3/15/06)
Spear's point is obvious (1/20/06)
The best (only) Native character (8/25/05)
Why FSU's Seminoles aren't okay (6/25/05)
Into the archetypal West (6/20/05)
Rez Dog calendar: role models or sex objects? (4/2/05)
The Sports Illustrated poll on mascots (11/8/04)
Teddy Roosevelt and The Winning of the West (9/5/04)
Tiki the Super-Shaman (9/2/04)
Andy Rooney's commentary on Indians (7/15/04)
Yeagley the Indian apple (7/6/04)
Hidalgo the horse hoax (6/28/04)
The Wall Street Journal's hatchet job on Indians (6/8/04)
Tiger Lily in Peter Pan: an allegory of Anglo-Indian relations (4/17/04)
Voodoo villains in The Missing (12/11/03)
A bearable Brother Bear (12/4/03)
Star Trek Voyager: Chakotay (10/31/03)
Have gaming tribes bought California for $120 million? No (9/28/03)
South Park: "Red Man's Greed" (7/11/03)
The Lone Ranger (6/16/03)
On the fly with Screaming Eagle (4/27/03)
Native veterans in fiction (4/19/03)
Enemy territory as "Indian country" (4/19/03)
TIME's lies threaten Indian agenda (1/29/03)
Responses to TIME's attack on Indian gaming (1/19/03)
Smallville's Super-Indians (1/9/03)
Indian nicknames for military craft (11/28/02)
Who's the semi-nude Indian maiden? (11/28/02)
Red·skin n. Dated, offensive, taboo (7/14/02)
Windtalkers: no guts, no glory (6/30/02)
Spirit and the noble savage (6/12/02)
Indians in the military (4/5/02)
The Straight Dope on the sterilization of Native women (4/2/02)
Thunderbird the Shaman (3/13/02)
Louis L'Amour's Last of the Breed (11/30/01)
"The Indians in the Lobby" (11/27/01)
Smashing people: the "honor" of being an athlete (10/31/01)
Rob's reply to Reagan (6/1/01)
Mark Twain, Indian hater (5/28/01)
Fighting Sioux vs. Fighting Irish (5/21/01)
Thunderbird in the comics (2/16/01)
Cannibalism in our schools! (2/9/01)
"McIndian" Night (8/14/00)
Genocide by any other name... (8/6/00)
Saturday Night Live spoofs Indians well (7/4/00)
Indians shanghaied by Shanghai Noon (6/19/00)
Wingfooting it with Wyatt (6/11/00)
Natives sing it their way (5/30/00)
Little Black Sambo and Chief Wahoo (5/17/00)
Were the Aztecs murdering "animals"? (4/27/00)
El Dorado ignores genocide of Natives (4/15/00)
Pocahontas bastardizes real people (3/27/00)
Pocahontas II: flawed again (3/15/00)
Shamans, medicine men, or priests? (3/8/00)
Spirits vs. angels and saints (3/8/00)
Squelching the s-word (3/2/00)
Thunderbird in the cartoons (11/5/99)
"Primitive" Indian religion (3/16/99)
Native American—other
Defining who's an Indian (2/21/09)
Native things that go bump in the night (12/16/08)
Robinson Crusoe and Friday (10/1/08)
Frozen River (10/1/08)
The 2008 presidential campaign (10/1/08)
Mile Post 398 (9/25/08)
The Exiles (7/31/08)
Ishi, The Last of His Tribe (6/25/08)
All about Adam Beach (5/2/08)
Native documentaries and news (5/2/08)
Creative Spirit film competition (5/2/08)
Q&A on TRICKSTER (4/15/08)
Havasupai in Next (4/3/08)
New Amsterdam: Indians and immortality (3/17/08)
Dances with teen angst: Play says we're all disco square dancers (2/26/08)
The Republic of Lakotah (2/1/08)
Noble Americans in Fort Apache (2/1/08)
Review of Buffalo Bill and the Indians (10/5/07)
Thirteen Moons (9/29/07)
All about Sherman Alexie (9/29/07)
The Makah whale-hunt controversy (9/28/07)
First Americans in the Arts (5/25/07)
Native plays and other stage shows (5/1/07)
Anna Nicole Smith and Indians (5/1/07)
Video games featuring Indians (3/19/07)
Native videos and cartoons (2/17/07)
RED PROPHET (1/20/07)
Flags of Our Fathers (10/25/06)
Anasazi = Ancestral Puebloans? (9/16/06)
The Indian-Star Trek connection (8/22/06)
Manifest Destiny = America's pathology (7/27/06)
Comics good for your health (6/30/06)
The facts about blankets with smallpox (6/14/06)
Sources for American Indian geneaology (2/21/06)
COYOTE (1/24/06)
Indians owned the United States (10/10/05)
A fine NORTHWEST PASSAGE (9/29/05)
Native American heroes in the comics: an overview (part 1) (9/28/05)
The feel-good national museum: reviews of the National Museum of the American Indian (3/27/05)
George Washington and the Indians (2/10/05)
Indians gave us enlightenment (1/30/05)
Kennewick Man, Captain Picard, and political correctness (8/22/04)
Dreamkeeper keeps the faith (3/18/04)
The 200 greatest pop culture icons (2/24/04)
The facts about Indian gaming (12/28/03)
Should Indians cling to reservations? (10/15/03)
Journalists and Indians: the clash of cultures (2/21/03)
Sterling supports sovereignty (2/1/03)
State of the Native art(s) (1/11/03)
Rob's work for (1/4/03)
SKINWALKER defies taboos (12/21/02)
Skinwalkers: Leaphorn and Chee do public TV (11/27/02)
The facts about tribal sovereignty (7/31/02)
Native journalism: to tell the truth (7/14/02)
The Indian-Oz connection (4/21/02)
Technology vs. Native values (12/6/01)
Kokopelli a Hindu god? (10/1/01)
Hercules vs. Coyote: Native and Euro-American beliefs (7/10/01)
The search for Aztlán (6/4/01)
Best Indian monuments to topple (5/30/01)
Native American slang (1/27/01)
Native vs. non-Native Americans: a summary (1/3/01)
The essential facts about Indians today (12/23/00)
Was Native defeat inevitable? (Mexican version) (12/17/00)
Ten little Pilgrims and Indians (11/23/00)
Those evil European invaders (10/21/00)
TV shows featuring Indians (10/10/00)
The best Indian movies (9/22/00)
The best Indian books (9/4/00)
Ecological Indian talk (8/27/00)
Democracy rocks—with Indian help (8/24/00)
Fun 4th of July facts (7/4/00)
Was Native defeat inevitable? (2/25/00)
NYC museums showcase Indians (2/20/00)
Hopis vs. Big Mountain trespassers (12/28/99)
Dennis Prager and The Ecological Indian (12/22/99)
Hopi smothering of eaglets (12/1/99)
Rediscovering America: The New World may be 20,000 years older than experts thought (10/12/98)
Southern California Indians on display (3/3/97)
Play ball! in the land of the Maya (8/30/96)
Uxmal: site of lost grandeur (8/30/96)
Russell Means speaks (10/23/95)
General stereotyping
300: good Greeks vs. bad Persians (5/1/07)
The Muhammad cartoons (2/8/06)
Unfunny Sunday funnies (5/6/01)
Ethnic humor and the "Joke of the Day" (2/19/01)
"It's just a [fill in the blank]" (8/6/00)
More on Histeria's conservative bent (5/19/00)
Equal opportunity offenders (5/19/00)
The trouble with stereotyping...and what to do about it (5/17/00)
Hilarity, Histeria, and Huck Finn (3/17/00)
"Marriage or bust" for Disney's women (9/9/96)
Is Huck Finn racist? (10/8/94)
Political correctness defined (1/22/07)
Lincoln's views on slavery (7/20/02)
I pledge allegiance to the Constitution (7/11/02)
Foreign debt and dying children (5/8/02)
The best country in the world (hint: it isn't the USA) (11/8/01)
God bless secular America (10/25/01)
A shining city on a hill: what Americans believe (7/10/01)
Multiculturalism defined (7/10/01)
Multiculturalism sells! (7/2/01)
When did racism begin? (6/12/01)
America's concentration camps (6/12/01)
America's cultural roots (4/21/01)
America's cultural mindset (2/22/01)
Victor or victim: our new national anthem? (2/22/01)
America's exceptional values (2/9/01)
The myth of Western superiority (11/23/00)
Greek lies, historic truth (10/10/00)
Highlights of the US report to the UN on racism (9/22/00)
Defining great American literature (9/20/00)
Guns, Germs, and Steel (8/6/00)
WASPs in kelp headdresses (4/16/00)
Prayer in the Bush league (3/8/00)
Outside the so-called ethnic box (2/23/00)
Malkovich, hillbillies, and Pompeii (12/1/99)
This ain't no party: a Columbus Day rant (5/12/96)
Multicultural origins of civilization (5/4/96)
Disneyland: where seldom is heard a discouraging word (3/25/94)
Culture wars (social)
Religion in schools: the imaginary war against Christianity (11/5/06)
Ronald Reagan...the greatest American? (6/29/05)
Historical antecedents of gay marriage (3/16/04)
Right-wing extremists: the enemy within (8/29/02)
Klansmen, neo-Nazis, and Christian patriots (8/29/02)
The myth of the liberal media (7/12/02)
The yellow peril, redux (10/22/01)
Adolf Hitler: a true American (7/22/01)
They keep coming, and coming, and coming... (7/15/01)
Antonin Scalia: Supreme Court doofus (7/9/01)
What Tim McVeigh tells us (6/13/01)
Homosexuality isn't a choice (6/3/01)
A well regulated militia... (5/31/01)
The Nazi-style WW II memorial (5/29/01)
The Founders' original intent (4/21/01)
The political in literature (10/4/00)
Origin of the culture wars (11/5/99)
Ill eagle immigrants (5/26/96)
Gingrich flunks "American Culture" (5/12/96)
Culture wars (economic)
Blaming the victim (8/12/05)
Democrats are better money managers (12/28/04)
America the conservative (12/3/04)
Schwarzenegger the girlie-man governor (10/13/04)
Globalization: exporting the American way (9/2/04)
Faith in free markets (11/28/02)
Corporate culture: rotten to the core (7/11/02)
Globalization according to Gilligan (11/11/01)
Government gives, free markets take (9/21/01)
What Jesus said (3/30/01)
The myth of American self-reliance (11/23/00)
What Gallup said (about Indians) (2/29/00)
Are taxes "theft"? (6/14/94)
Libertarianism = anarchy (6/14/94)
Culture kills in Red Lake tragedy (5/9/05)
Prince of peace or god of war? (9/30/04)
America the warrior society (9/27/04)
The evidence against media violence: Marilyn Manson (8/8/01)
The evidence against media violence: crime drops? (6/14/01)
Justice...or revenge? (5/25/01)
The evidence against media violence: TV sex (5/24/01)
The evidence against media violence: beer statistics (5/23/01)
Anti-violence cartoons (5/5/01)
Turning the other cheek (5/2/01)
The evidence against media violence: video games (5/1/01)
The evidence against media violence: wrestling (4/28/01)
Straight shootin' with the Duke (4/22/01)
The evidence against media violence: Columbine (4/16/01)
The evidence against media violence: TV fear (4/10/01)
The evidence against media violence: radio talk (4/8/01)
Why Americans commit suicide (3/30/01)
Why white boys keep shooting (3/13/01) a typical media influence (3/12/01)
Violence in America (3/9/01)
Teenage violence...solved! (more or less) (3/9/01)
Winning through nonviolence (2/19/01)
Some arguments for gun control (2/9/01)
The Bible as media violence (12/24/00)
Highlights of the FTC report on media violence (9/12/00)
Violence, Greek drama, and American trash (8/1/00)
Gladiator and The Patriot glorify violence (7/26/00)
The LAPD and comic book heroes (6/12/00)
The evidence against media violence (4/23/00)
Comics, The Matrix, and death-happy audiences (4/21/00)
Are parents responsible for their kids' violence? (4/1/00)
Is violence endemic to humans? (12/1/99)
A Latin view of American-style violence (11/26/99)
War and terrorism
Prison abuse shows America's values (5/7/04)
Bush administration sanctions torture (5/7/04)
Bush to "rid the world of evil"? (3/12/03)
Patriotism means asking questions (4/5/02)
What happened: results of the so-called war (2/27/02)
Dubya-speak: justice means killing people (11/24/01)
Diplomacy works, violence doesn't (10/24/01)
War song of America the strong (10/3/01)
Terrorists followed media violence script (10/3/01)
A just war or just a war? (9/30/01)
The last refuge of a scoundrel (9/25/01)
Inside the terrorists' minds (9/25/01)
Reality check for warmongers (9/22/01)
What the world needs now (9/19/01)
Pop culture: time to get serious (9/18/01)
Native intelligence: the long view (9/18/01)
CIAgent Bin Laden and the Taliban freedom fighters (9/18/01)
Understanding Islam (9/18/01)
Why don't "they" like us?: Repressive regimes (9/18/01)
Why don't "they" like us?: Iraq (9/18/01)
Why don't "they" like us?: Israel (9/18/01)
Why don't "they" like us? (9/18/01)
A few voices of reason (9/18/01)
F---ing fundamentalist fanatics (9/18/01)
Kill those towelheads! (9/18/01)
Brotherly love, American style (9/18/01)
Terrorism: "good" vs. "evil" (9/14/01)
The clash of ideas and why it's good (4/18/01)
Jawboning as the best solution (11/23/99)
Why does Rob keep criticizing? (10/16/99)
Doing nothing is a copout (5/23/99)
Indian Comics Irregular
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All material © copyright its original owners, except where noted.
Original text and pictures © copyright 2007 by Robert Schmidt.
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