A response to Outside the So-Called Ethnic Box:
I received the following message from an anonymous e-mailer. When you read it, you'll understand why the person wished to remain anonymous. Namely, because his words implicate himself more than they do anyone else.
I dont drive in certain parts of town and, frankly, that is so because of the predisposition of the inhabitants of these neighborhoods to act in a racially antagonistic manner to people of a lighter hue of skin than their own.
Am I the racist or are they? Go figure.
There is not a more racist bunch of people than blacks. They wake up and look at themselves in the morning, contemplate the day, and curse whitey for what they cannot even put a name to so they call the white man racist, teach their kids to do the same and then have the unmitigated gall to call someone else racist.
All one need do is drive or walk around or through any black neighborhood and suffer, if you will, the ugly stare, which they call the hard eye, of their youth. Just asking for trouble. Just daring you to stare back for even a few seconds so that they can challenge you with, "whachu you belookin at muffukah". Im ALWAYS packing and my general response has to do with their ancestry, character, and possible sudden demise. Then it becomes mumble mumble mumble on their part as I continue on my way.
Theres an interesting book written by a black woman (Beverly Daniel Tatum) called : "Why are all the black kids in the cafeteria sitting at the same table." Looks like us racists were right when we said that diversity and race mixing are un-natural. Given the chance, people of all races instinctively segregate themselves. When asked why they all say that the feel most comfortable amongst those who share the same culture. And for you dupes who buy the liberal lie that diversity is key to learning, it seems that self segregated students out perform those who are forced to mingle for the sake of political correctness. But the facts never got in the way of liberal idealism before. I doubt if liberals will add this to their already long list of social re-engineering failures.
Matter of fact you should shut your typically ignorant liberal mouth: the black murder rate in this country is 8 to 10 times the White murder rate. And nigger males aged 14-24 make up 2 of the United States population, but commit 33 of the homicides (Washington Post 11/29/98).
Let me give you an example of the Americoon mindset: Their reaction to the murder of LAPDs chiefs granddaughter. Nothing but total silence is coming from the "black community." There has been no ground swell of outrage to solve this killing. If this were some shooting by the police you would have the streets full of negroes howling for police blood. This clearly illustrates the basic outlaw mentality in the coon community to where hiding a black killer, who has killed a young black girl, is seen as striking a blow against "The System."
Despite all the affirmative action perks, preferential treatment, set asides, etc., a significant portion of blacks succumb to the lure of the easy dollar via the crime route. Then, when their lives are ruined, they blame racism, whitey, lack of father figure, etc. for their misery.
Do you attribute this to:
1) Lack of intelligence
2) Lack of moral fiber, or
3) Both of the above?
On the Fox show "OReilly Factor" the NYC mayor stated that police profiling is a valid form of law enforcement when you consider that 70 of suspects reported to police are NIGGERS. He further stated that 60 of all police investigations and searches lead to black neighborhoods. I dare say that ratio of niggers to crime carries over to any US city that has a sizable population of niggers (more than 8). In the past, niggers have tried to excuse their criminal behavior by blaming poverty or a lack of jobs.......but now, with unemployment at less than 4 that excuse is as lame as the negro race itself. Three cheers for any politician brave enough to stand up and state the obvious fact: Niggers are responsible for the vast majority of crimes in America and there is no valid economic excuse for such behavior.
Shines expect everything to be handed to them without having to work for it. Not very often that I see a negro working a job that requires giving 100, though there are exceptions. Why should they have to work for what Uncle Sucker will give them for free? They are parasitic by the very nature of their character, and that is something that no amount of good intentions can reverse.
You know, Its really pathetic when you have these White trash punks acting like theyre black. Why the hell would they want to be black anyway? As far as Im concerned theyre worse than the real thing. You dont see blacky acting White. Thats a put-down among blacks, to be "acting White." Go ahead whigger, buy your rap CDs and bring them back to your suburban nest or drive around with your boom box at concert hall volume and rattle windows blocks away. And everywhere I go I see this White nigger-wannabes using pay phones for their little drug deals. The PC media have done well with these young naive impressionable minds.
Besides picking cotton for a few years, those slave-ape assholes had nothing to do with making this country what it is. NOTHING, understand? Its Caucasian industrialists, businesspeople and leaders who propelled this country to the best in the world, and who are responsible for maintaining the USA as the economic and military superpower of the planet. The fact is, niggers are a drain on the energy of civilized humankind. Without Whites to show and tell them how to live, they act like savage prehistoric cavemen. You know it, I know it, and the world knows it. And we see it every day with the news coming out of Zimbabwe, Rwanda, South Africa, and Sierra Leone.
So until Whites kill as high a proportion of humans as niggers kill niggers, boy, shut your naive-ass mouth and fuck off.
Rob's reply
My response:
>> Am I the racist or are they? Go figure. <<
I don't know about them, but I figure you are.
>> There is not a more racist bunch of people than blacks. <<
There are racists in every group, true. But only a racist would say black racism is worse than white racism.
>> All one need do is drive or walk around or through any black neighborhood and suffer, if you will, the ugly stare <<
I live in a mixed neighborhood and it's nothing like that. Sounds like another stupid stereotype masquerading as personal experience.
>> Im ALWAYS packing <<
Given your ignorant opinions, I'm not surprised.
>> my general response has to do with their ancestry, character <<
A real charmer, aren't you? Naturally, with your racist predilections, you'd comment on their irrelevant ancestry.
>> Given the chance, people of all races instinctively segregate themselves. When asked why they all say that the feel most comfortable amongst those who share the same culture. <<
Dig a little deeper into that shallow brain pan of yours and ask why people feel uncomfortable with others. Could it possibly be because they know people like you are racist: that you'll comment on their ancestry, perhaps shoot them, if they look at you askance?
>> it seems that self segregated students out perform those who are forced to mingle for the sake of political correctness. <<
Don't think so, but feel free to quote evidence to the contrary. The poor performance of de facto segregated schools is prima facie evidence that you're wrong.
See Political Correctness Defined for more on the "political correctness" charge.
>> I doubt if liberals will add this to their already long list of social re-engineering failures. <<
Does that list include Social Security, the civil rights movement, and environmentalism? Even George W. Bush calls Social Security "the single most successful government program in American history." And what about protections in our offices, schools, and homes? I suppose you don't mind if you (or your children) work 16-hour days or eat bacteria-laden food, but I'm glad I don't have to.
And if you open your eyes a little wider, you'll see we can attribute most of our significant achievements to collectivist government action: the Civil War, the Panama Canal, the nation's power grid, WW I and II, roads and highways, state universities, the space program, etc. Private industry didn't achieve these things, the public (acting collectively) did.
>> the black murder rate in this country is 8 to 10 times the White murder rate. <<
If it is, I never said it wasn't. What I said was that minorities aren't the ones who are balkaning America. If this addresses my point, I'm not sure how.
>> Their reaction to the murder of LAPDs chiefs granddaughter. Nothing but total silence is coming from the "black community." There has been no ground swell of outrage to solve this killing. <<
That's almost as notable as the lack of outcry from the white community when someone such as Eulia Love, Latasha Harkins, Tyisha Miller, et al. are killed by armed citizens or the LAPD. So what's your point: that the black community is almost as myopic as the white community?
>> Then, when their lives are ruined, they blame racism, whitey, lack of father figure, etc. for their misery. <<
If you're a typical "whitey," they have just cause.
>> Do you attribute this to:
1) Lack of intelligence
2) Lack of moral fiber, or
3) Both of the above? <<
I attribute the problems in the black community to none of the above, but rather to the systemic (look it up) problems in America: the lack of jobs in our inner cities, the substandard schools, poverty in general, and racism.
>> On the Fox show "OReilly Factor" the NYC mayor stated that police profiling is a valid form of law enforcement when you consider that 70 of suspects reported to police are NIGGERS. <<
That Giuliani said it doesn't make it true. (Look at your posting for proof of that.) Giuliani also said he believed in "family values" while he was having an affair. So much for his credibility.
>> In the past, niggers have tried to excuse their criminal behavior by blaming poverty or a lack of jobs.......but now, with unemployment at less than 4 that excuse is as lame as the negro race itself. <<
Jobs aren't evenly distributed throughout the country, dim bulb. Nor do people have an equal amount of education to take advantage of them. Nor are people on an equal footing if some have children to take care of, physical or mental handicaps, not enough money to afford housing or a car or wardrobe, etc., etc.
>> Niggers are responsible for the vast majority of crimes in America and there is no valid economic excuse for such behavior. <<
Sure there is. What there isn't an excuse for is your ignorance.
>> Not very often that I see a negro working a job that requires giving 100, though there are exceptions. <<
100 what? Percent, presumably. Gee, I guess you managed to turn on your TV and saw Nelson Mandela, Colin Powell, Sidney Poitier, Quincy Jones, Michael Jordan, Oprah Winfrey, Tiger Woods, Denzel Washington, et al. Not to mention dozens of legislators, businesspersons, doctors, lawyers, teachers, and so forth and so on.
Note: Congratulations on finally figuring out the remote control.
>> those slave-ape assholes had nothing to do with making this country what it is. NOTHING, understand? <<
Which is what, a racist cesspool where people like you can vent their stpuidity without being slapped in a mental asylum as they clearly deserve? Whose fault is that? In your roundabout way, you've made the point that I made: that the people in power should take the blame for what's wrong in society. If they're responsible for the country, they're also responsible for its problems.
>> Its Caucasian industrialists, businesspeople and leaders who propelled this country to the best in the world <<
For the most part, yes, since they dominate numerically. They propelled this country by, among other things, enslaving Africans and decimating Indians. I've glad you've come around and now agree with me.
>> and who are responsible for maintaining the USA as the economic and military superpower of the planet. <<
I'm happy to give Bill Clinton credit for the greatest economic boom in American history, and I'll be voting Democratic in November. I trust you will too?
>> You know it, I know it, and the world knows it. <<
Do we? Really?
>> And we see it every day with the news coming out of Zimbabwe, Rwanda, South Africa, and Sierra Leone. <<
I haven't read of any major problems in South Africa recently. As for the others, they're matched by news coming out of Bosnia, Chechnya, Ireland, Sri Lanka, East Timor, etc. These conflicts don't involve Africans, but many do involve Caucasians. As did two of history's worst genocides: Hitler's and Stalin's.
Of course, you haven't addressed why African countries face problems. Could it possibly be because of the Caucasian West's history of colonization and exploitation? By Jove, I think it could be.
>> So until Whites kill as high a proportion of humans as niggers kill niggers, boy, shut your naive-ass mouth and fuck off. <<
Make me, "boy." I eat doofuses like you for lunch and spit out the bones. I guess your nickname must be "White Meat" because you're such a big chicken, right? Or is that a big turkey?
Anyway, thanks for playing, fraidy-cat. Apparently you were too yellow (I mean cowardly, not Asian) to attach your name to your message. Luckily, that didn't stop me.
Next time you want me to ridicule your views in public, feel free to send me a private message. I'll give it the same torching I gave this screed. Which is just what it deserves.
Related links
More on the so-called need for color-blindness toward race
More on America's (multi)cultural wars
More on the alleged superiority of Western civilization over indigenous cultures
. . . |
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